Welcome to St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Welcome to St Peter’s Church of England Primary School.
I am very pleased to share with you our new school website.
St. Peter’s C. of E. Primary School has been at the heart of the community for over 200 years and continues to play an important role in the lives of children and their families in Heysham. St Peter’s is a wonderful school where staff are dedicated to the education and outcomes of every child. We work together, staff, families, children, governors to follow Jesus’ teaching and to ‘flourish together.’
We strive to be the best we can be and want to achieve the very best for all our children through embedding our Christian Vision.
“I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness,”
(John 10:10)
I have been leading St Peter’s since January 2023 as an associate headteacher, and now am extremely pleased to be leading the school as St Peter's permanent headteacher September 2023. We want to ensure our children experience exceptional education opportunities and develop their individuality, curiosity and ambition for their futures. We achieve this through our ambitious curriculum, ensuring Primary education is engaging and full of wonderful teaching moments to be remembered in years to come.
We have our wonderful historic local Church within walking distance to the school and are extremely proud of the strong links with Reverend Mark Nelson who is actively part of our school. St Peter’s welcomes all children from our communities, regardless of their religious background. The Christian foundation is at the centre of the life of the school, and is actively supported by all staff, governors, and local clergy.
Our vision is to see our children go out into the world with the skills and confidence to succeed with love, compassion and advocacy to make a positive impact on the world around them.
We believe our parents / carers play a vital part in their child’s education. We foster positive relationships where parents / carers are valued, listened to and part of our school life. We welcome parents into school and to be part of their child’s education through regular events and celebrations. Parental involvement and good communication are crucial in ensuring our children really do flourish.

The School Day

Click below to read more about our School Day