Consultation on Admission Arrangements 2026-2027


Over the past two years, our admission numbers have been lower and data indicates that the birth rate in our district is lower for future years. There are enough school places within the area. We have therefore requested to reduce our pupil admission number (PAN) to 30 from 2026 and we are also consulting on changing some of the admission criteria to the school. This has been discussed and approved by our governors. However, we now seek any responses. If you wish to respond to the consultation we kindly ask for your views to be submitted by email to with the subject as Admission Consultation 2026

The full proposed admission arrangements policy is below. 

Rational and Context 

Our current admission number is 35 children per year. This means that we have mixed-age classes in our EYFS and KS1. The proposal will mean that we will be a single-form entry primary school with an admission number of 30 children from 2026. This impacts the school as we propose reducing one class in the future. Staff are fully aware of this and have been consulted as part of this process. Due to the reduced birth rate and reduced numbers in school, the school finances have been greatly impacted over the past two years. Therefore, this proposal will enable the school to provide the following…

  • Single form entry with 30 children in each class from 2026 onwards.
  • Reduced class sizes in KS2 in line with our other local schools. (As the 2026 cohort progresses through school)
  • Stabilise the school's finances by not having ‘empty’ places and meeting the birth rate needs in the area.
  • To ensure our admission criteria are broadly in line with many of our local Church of England Primary schools within our district.


The proposed admission criteria are…

1 (1a) Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children.

    (1b) Children with special medical or social circumstances affecting the child where these needs can only be met at this school.

2: Siblings

3: Children whose parents/guardians worship at St. Peter’s or St. James’, Heysham, or Children whose parents/guardians worship of other churches in membership of Churches Together in England, Free Churches Group, the Evangelical Alliance or the North West Gospel Partnership of Churches.

4: Children of staff

5: Other Children


We are putting our proposed admission arrangements on the school website today and will be sharing our proposal with all of our stakeholders including our other local schools. We will be allowing 6 weeks for consultation from Monday 7th October to Monday 18th November.

We welcome your views.

Admission Consultation 2026-2027

Updated: 03/10/2024 260 KB